Registrations are now closed, on-site registrations will not be possible.
Registration can be carried out through the University of Cambrige's online secure payment system, and you will be asked to provide key information for the conference administration. Please indicate whether you would like to attend the conference dinner and punt tour when you fill out the form. Please fill out a form for each attendee as group registrations are not supported. If you require any amendments or cancellations at a later date please contact
The secure payment system can be found here: Booking now closed
The conference fee for participants is 260 GBP and covers:
- Conference materials, poster sessions and talks
- Lunches
- Tea and coffee breaks
- Conference dinner (formal dinner at Trinity Hall on 13th Jul)
- A punt tour of the river Cam
Two other conference fees are available:
an “Accompanying Person” fee of 114 GBP which covers:
- Conference dinner (formal dinner at Trinity Hall on 13th Jul)
- A punt tour of the river Cam
an “Exhibitor” fee of 234 GBP which covers:
- Access to the venue
- Lunches
- Tea and coffee breaks
- Conference dinner (formal dinner at Trinity Hall on 13th Jul)
- A punt tour of the river Cam
Fellowships covering the conference fee are offered by Stelar s.r.l. and the IoP
To apply for a fellowship, please submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation, your curriculum vitae, and a short (250-300 word) explanation of how the fellowship will benefit your scientific career to before May 20th, 2022. Applicants will be automatically considered for both types of fellowships.